Upcoming speakers


September 1st, 2024

Dr. Steve Seelig

Steve Seelig

Steve is a graduate of Pasadena College/PLNU now,  in Speech Communications and Religion, and was a Nazarene Pastor for 23 years, 12 of those years at the Las Flores Church of the Nazarene in Carlsbad. I have spent the last 28 years in University Advancement at PLNU helping thousands of families do estate planning, and advancing Stewardship of life and possessions through estate planning.  I graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary with my Masters of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry in Church Renewal.

I also served part time as a Navy Chaplain for 29 years in the Reserves and another 8 years teaching training classes for those persons being mobilized for active duty in all 5 of our armed services for the Department of Defense.

More than anything, I am a passionate disciple of Christ, and believe in helping persons find Christ as Savior and Lord of their entire life.  

September 8th, 2024

Peter Lundell

My highest value in life, why I exist–and if you’re a believer, I hope you might agree with me–is expressed in the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven….” The Kingdom of God is our highest priority.

But in daily life how do we go about that? 

From Genesis to Revelation two things, and only two things, stand out consistently with every situation and person, including Jesus himself, when it comes to being part of the Kingdom of God–that is, God’s reign and activity on earth. Those two things are his Word, the Bible as we have received it, and his Spirit, the Holy Spirit, who resides in us and does God’s work in us.

I want to be an usher of God’s kingdom to come on earth as it is in Heaven. How? Live by God’s Word and Spirit. I hope you’ll join me in this way of living.

This principle is universally applicable. It’s practice is simple. If God’s Word (our Creator’s manual) says it, we understand as clearly as we can and follow it. If his Spirit (expressing the heart and mind of God) leads us, we discern as best as we can and follow. And we do so in every area of life.

I hope you will personally experience a life of purpose, guidance, power, and peace founded on the Bible and led by the Holy Spirit.

To learn more about Peter, Please select the button below to visit Peter’s website.

September 15th, 2024

Dr. Jennifer Anderson

Dr. Jennifer Anderson

Jennifer is no stranger to life’s trials–facing abuses in childhood; as well as widowed at the age of 30 and left with three young boys to raise, her harrowing story has turned out to be a testimony of what the power of God’s love can do. Jennifer holds a Doctorate of Ministry in Christian Counseling, graduating summa cum laude from​ Summit Bible College (SBC). She is an ordained Minister through SBC’s Ministers Fellowship, and certified as a Crisis, Trauma, and Loss Counselor through Talbot School of Theology.

To learn more about Dr. Anderson and her practice, please select the button below to visit Dr. Anderson’s website.

September 22nd & 29th, 2024

Tim Fillmore

Tim Fillmore

Pastor Tim retired this past year after 30 years of full-time ministry with the last 16 years at Parkway Hills Church in Chula Vista. Pastor Tim and his wife Allison are now free to spend more time with their 2 adult children and 6, soon to be 7, grandchildren which they feel is a blessing and of great importance.  Pastor Tim, or PT to most, has been actively involved in worship leading and training worship teams as well as coaching new church plants and serving as senior pastor and worship leader.  He loves to preach and bring a personal approach and challenge to everyone.  PT says, "I'm excited to be with Las Flores Naz today!"

October 6, 2024


Acting Group Chaplain

Commander Josh Lee was commissioned as a U.S. Navy Chaplain in 2007 after serving seven years as a Nazarene minister in Nashville, Tennessee. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Religion from Mid-America Nazarene University, a Master of Divinity and a Master of Theology from Duke University, and a Doctor of Ministry from Drew University.

Commander Lee’s operational assignments include Division
Officer, USS Dwight D. Eisenhower; Battalion Chaplain, 3rd
Supply Battalion and Combat Logistics Battalion 31, 3d Marine
Logistics Group; Special Operations Task Force Chaplain with
Seal Team Five, Naval Special Warfare Group One (NSWG-1)
in support of Operation Enduring Freedom; and as the command chaplain of Naval Base Guam while additional duty as the chaplain for the USS Theodore Roosevelt Revive Quality of Life Task Group commander.

His tours ashore include Commander Naval Beach Group Two (CNBG-2), Norfolk Virginia, and Marine Corps Security Force Battalion (MCSFBn) in Bremerton, Washington where he served as the command chaplain, command chaplain at Naval Base Guam, and currently serves as the acting group chaplain at 1st Marine Logistics Group.

His military decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (six awards), Army Commendation Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (two awards), and various campaign and unit awards. He holds additional qualification designators for Pastoral counseling, NSW staff, and Fleet Marine Force Qualified Officer.